Tier 1 Suppliers Panel

Rainbow PUSH has always had procurement as an area of particular focus, as it is a steadfast method of bringing economic parity to communities of color. For that reason, it is one of the main components of Rainbow PUSH’s annual Automotive Diversity Survey, in which OEMs are queried, in part, about their engagement with a diversified supplier base. Such intel informs the basis of this Tier 1 panel, which will delve into the ways that suppliers are keeping diversity in the forefront while preparing for the shift to electric vehicles. It will also examine how that shift offers opportunities for forward-thinking entrepreneurs of color.

  Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023
  Room 222
  2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

PANEL THEME: “Ensuring an Inclusive Supply Chain in the Age of EV”

Ralph G. Moore: President – Ralph G. Moore & Associates

Carna Cureton: Senior Director, Corporate HR and Talent Management – Dana Inc.
Arthur F. McClellan Jr.: Director of Supplier Diversity & Development – Lear Corporation
Karen M. Patton: Senior Commodity Buyer, Supply Chain Management – Magna International